The Beljanski Foundation’s overall mission is to study and share knowledge of effective non-toxic natural answers that work both alone and in synergy with traditional western medicine to cure cancer and other chronic diseases the natural way.

Beljanski events

Learn more about natural, non-toxic approaches to cancer and other chronic diseases at one of the following events organized by The Beljanski Foundation or our Partners in Health. 100% of the proceeds will be donated to help fund anticancer research to cure cancer the natural way.


April 25-27, 2025Austin, TX

Learn more about the most cutting edge solutions for helping your body fight cancer! The events fund will benefit The Beljanski Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit conducting scientific research into natural plant extracts for cancer treatment and cancer prevention.

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Breakthroughs inNatural Approaches To Breast Cancer

And How This Can Change Your Life!

Free replay

Watch the replay of this workshop dedicated to uncovering natural remedies to lower your risk of breast cancer and recurrence.

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New PodcastBy Sylvie Beljanski

“The Beljanski Cancer Talk Show” is a new podcast series dedicated to exploring comprehensive and integrative approaches to cancer treatment and chronic diseases.

Whether you’re a patient, a caregiver, a doctor, or someone interested in holistic health, this series offers valuable perspectives and practical advice to empower and inspire you on your journey.

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Promising Results: Efficacy Of Two Plant Extracts For Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)

John Hall and Sylvie Beljanski

The prostate gland is a major source of serious health problems for men. It is susceptible to the most common chronic inflammatory condition, benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), and prostate cancer is the most common malignancy. Age significantly increases the risk for both, but lifestyle factors such as diet, physical activity, and toxin exposure also play roles. BPH often results from hormonal shifts in aging men, while genetics can influence prostate cancer risk.

BPH can lead to prostate cancer due to chronic inflammation and specific DNA changes within BPH tissues, highlighting a molecular link between these conditions. At the molecular level, research has found that two plant extracts, Pao pereira and Rauwolfia vomitoria, can target and repair this DNA damage, triggering cell death in cancerous cells. This mechanism shows promise in treating both prostate cancer and BPH.

Recent research from Dr. Jun Yan’s laboratory at Nanjing University, sponsored by the Beljanski Foundation, shows that both extracts are also remarkably effective for BPH in an animal model: the androgen imbalance seen in older men is corrected, the prostate is reduced to normal size, and the inflammatory condition is directly suppressed [6-9]. The effects of the extracts demonstrate that BPH is reversible.

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A New Research project:Inhibition of breast cancer stem cells

While those studies have concluded that the two botanicals Pao pereira and Rauwolfia vomitoria both represent potential therapeutic agents for the treatment of pancreatic and ovarian cancers by targeting cancer stem cells, the Beljanski Foundation has also seen exciting results on breast cancer with a study comparing different kind of green teas:

It would be therefore extremely valuable to see if those results could be reproduced and extended to Breast cancer stem cells.

With this new program and for the first time ever, the three botanicals (Pao pereira, Rauwolfia vomitoria and green tea extract) will be mixed and studied together for their ability to inhibit breast cancer stem cells. Further research will also be needed to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of this approach in clinical trials and to understand its potential limitations and side effects.

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In 1971, President Nixon signed the National Cancer Act, declaring the War On Cancer. Fifty years and several billions later, Cancer is the second leading cause of death worldwide, with 1 in 6 deaths due to cancer globally. According to the National Cancer Institute, in 2018, there were 18.1 million new cases and 9.5 million cancer-related deaths worldwide. By 2040, the number of new cancer cases per year is expected to rise to 29.5 million and the number of cancer-related deaths to 16.4 million.

For a different outcome, let’s look at cancer differently. After all, doing the same thing again and again and hoping for a different result is the definition of insanity.

Dr. Mirko Beljanski (1923-1998), a researcher at the Pasteur Institute in Paris, France made several major discoveries ( that led to a new promising avenue to address cancer. A different and natural approach to cancer, selectively targeting the duplication of Cancer DNA. For the past 20 years, and with the support of numerous cancer survivors around the world, the Beljanski Foundation works relentlessly to support research programs of effective non-toxic answers that bring us closer to a Natural Cure to Cancer.

Thanks to all of your wonderful reviews and kind words, the Beljanski Foundation has been selected as one of the Top-Rated Nonprofits by GreatNonprofits, the leading website for community recommendations of charities and nonprofits.

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Awarded Gold Seal of Transparency 5 Years in a Row

The Gold Seal has been awarded to The Beljanski Foundation by GuideStar. GuideStar by Candid’s Gold Seal is given only to those non-profits displaying the highest level of transparency with financial reports, board governance and community engagement. This seal reveals our diligence with maintaining up to date data honestly and with integrity. Prospective donors appreciate this significant recognition of conscientiousness.

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For several decades the Beljanski Foundation has been working collaboratively with researchers worldwide to find natural cures for cancer-free living.

The Beljanski Approach to Cancer

Destabilization of DNA


Synergy of action

Active on all cancer stages

Selectivity of action

Press and Awards

“Dr. Mirko Beljanski took a view of cancer that no one had ever seen before. When he looked at carcinogens (substances that stimulate cancer cells but not healthy cells), he realized that there must be some substances that act in the opposite way—substances that would destabilize cancer cells, but leave healthy cells alone [...] With this brilliant new concept, Beljanski tried to change the way we treat cancer patients. That was more than twenty years ago, and the mainstream still hasn’t caught on.”

— Cagan, Michele. “Breakthrough Studies Reveal Miracle Plants Defeats the Two Most Incurable Cancer-Pancreatic and Ovarian.” Health Sciences Institute Members Alert 18, No. 4 (December 2013).

Press Mentions

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Based upon the legacy of Dr. Mirko Beljanski, PhD, known as “The Father of Environmental Medicine”, our cancer-fighting, natural and non-toxic solutions discovered through our over 70-years of research offer safe and effective anti-cancer results against many cancers at all stages.

The Beljanski Foundation’s life-saving cancer research looks at curing cancer holistically. Our breakthroughs have worked alone and synergistically with traditional therapy with fewer adverse effects, often helping patients undergoing treatment remain in remission without cancer recurrence.

Conventional cancer treatments have virtually remained unchanged for more than half a century failing to cure most cancers. Too often patients are not fully informed about the real risk of conventional cancer treatments (surgery, chemotherapy drugs, radiation). Unknowingly, patients may become endangered by secondary causes of death associated with them. Survivors, too, are often left with weakened immune systems after rigorous rounds of chemotherapy and radiation, compromising their longevity and quality of life.

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Access Life-Changing Information on Cancer Stem Cells

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Award-Winning Book On Naturally Fighting Cancer

For me personally, I think that Winning the War on Cancer by Sylvie Beljanski is one of those books that people should read. I have for a long time believed more in natural remedies than pharmaceutical cures, so I was involuntarily drawn to read the book.

It still preys on my mind on how the government can take up war against something that can save a lot of lives. I mean I know that a sort of thing like a more natural cure would likely actively threaten the pharmaceutical industry, but isn’t the industry on the side of saving people with something that has very little, or indeed no, toxicity at all? It’s so eye-opening and harrowing and I can’t yet state how I feel about everything that I learned.

I would recommend the book to anyone because many people these days are constantly being kept in the dark about natural remedies. What I love most about the book is that, though the book’s main point is cancer and its treatment, it also touches on areas that are vital to leading a healthy life. It points out the importance of detoxifying our body, especially since we live in a world where toxins are constantly released into the air by our technological marvels.
4 out of 4 stars – Review by Nmesoma – OnlineBookClub.Org

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One of the Top Inspirational Speakers onNatural Cures for Cancer

Sylvie Beljanski is a sought-after speaker at health and wellness conferences globally, where she has educated thousands of people about scientific breakthroughs in the field of integrative medicine.

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