Dr. Beljanski’s Major Discoveries
Mirko Beljanski, PhD, (1923-1998), biochemist and biologist, spent his professional career at the Pasteur Institute in Paris, studying the causes and mechanisms occurring during gene activation, cell division and tissue development in both normal and malignant states. His book “The Regulation of DNA Replication & Transcription”, published in 1983 (first edition – ed. Krager), is devoted to this critical subject.
Dr. Beljanski discovered a change in the conformation of the cell’s DNA when in the presence of carcinogens (mutagens or other), pollutants, or other harmful molecules.
He showed that the DNA of a cancer cell becomes unwound or destabilized, a finding that was recently confirmed in the United States.
These results led him to invent the Oncotest, which allowed him to identify the carcinogenic potential of different molecules often present in our daily surroundings.
This Oncotest led Dr. Beljanski to discover the beneficial effects of two specific plant extracts:
Over the course of many years, Mirko Beljanski studied the toxicological and pharmacological properties of both plants, and analyzed their mode of action in vivo on animals grafted with different cancer cells. The Pao pereira (formerly known as PB-100) and the Rauwolfia vomitoria not only appeared to destroy different cancer cells, but also did not present any toxicity towards healthy cells.
Subsequently, Beljanski showed that Pao pereira also has a broad-spectrum antiviral effect. He studied the Pao pereira action against certain viruses, including HIV (the AIDS virus). Indeed, the Pao Pereira extract inhibits viral replication: it inhibits the reverse transcriptase and the polymerase, which allow the virus to multiply. Beljanski showed that Pao pereira extract is an excellent antiviral agent with broad spectrum (hepatitis, HIV, herpes…)1-2.
A clinical trial was conducted at the University Hospital Lapeyronie in Montpellier with the PB-100 (former name of Pao pereira extract prepared by Beljanski’s method) and published in 1994 in « Deutsche Zeitschrift für Onkologie 6 ». It followed patients infected with the AIDS virus for 12 months, focusing on CD4/CD8. Although the patients chosen were at high short-term risk of AIDS, the study concludes that Pao pereira improves several important parameters such as CD4 counts and CD4 / CD8 ratios. Viral antigen levels (p24) were stable or lower in all patients and ß2-microglobulin levels also remained stable. No opportunistic diseases developed during the clinical trial.3 The paper’s conclusion is that the product “should become an asset for AIDS therapy”.
Since then, many doctors have confirmed the potential of this extract in the treatment of viral hepatitis or AIDS.
These discoveries lead Mirko Beljanski to suggest a new approach to health. Since then, the benefits of Pao pereira and Rauwolfia vomitoria have been confirmed and expanded upon recent research supported by The Beljanski Foundation.
Also, Dr. Beljanski was one of the first biologists to study small RNA fragments, which plays an important role in the growth of a cell. Some RNA fragments stimulate the formation of white blood cells and platelets. Mirko Beljanski discovered that they not only help maintain normal white blood cell and platelet levels which may decrease to dangerously low levels in a number of situations, including radiation therapy and chemotherapy, but they also preserve normal proportions among the various kinds of white blood cells, notably those that fight infections. These RNA fragments promote the DNA of healthy cells; never that of cancer cells.
In 2010, these properties of the Beljanski RNA fragments, which are extracted from a non pathogenic bacteria, have been confirmed by clinical trial at Cancer Treatments Center of America (CTCA) in the United States.
As a result of a research contract he concluded with the French army, Mirko Beljanski was also able to study protection against radiation. He showed that when administered with a third plant extract – the Golden Leaf Ginkgo biloba – the RNA fragments had the beneficial effect of protecting the body against the negative impact of radiation (prevention and therapeutic action). The Golden Leaf Ginkgo biloba extract has a completely different biochemical composition than the standard green-leaf extract.
Mirko Beljanski’s breakthrough discoveries are all gathered in the scientist’s 133 publications available here.
Products based on his research have been used successfully in Europe for more than 30 years.
To Read More:
- “Destabilization of the DNA Double Helix in Cancer, Mirko Beljanski’s Theory of Carcinogenesis and Anti-Cancer Extracts” by John Hall, PhD – Townsend Letter
- “The Beljanski Approach: Outside the Box” by Monique Beljanski, widow and research assistant of Dr. Mirko Belanski – Townsend Letter.
- Mirko Beljanski’s 133 publications
1- M. BELJANSKI, “Cancer et Sida. Nouvelles approches thérapeutiques”. 5èmes Entretiens Internationaux de Monaco, 21-24 novembre 1990 (ed. du Rocher), pp. 25-37.
2– M. BELJANSKI, “Novel selective nontoxic anticancer and antiviral agents”. International Journal of Oncology Vol. 7. supplement, p983, October 1995.
3– D. Donadio, et al. « Tolerance and Feasibility of a 12-Month Therapy Using the Antiretroviral Agent PB 100 in AIDS-Related. D. Complex Patients » Déc 1994 Dtsch. Zschr. Onkol. 26(6) :145-149, 1994
A Natural Approach to Cancer
The Work of Mirko Beljanski, PhD, Explained by John Hall, PhD
Join Dr. John Hall, Director of Research at The Beljanski Foundation, for A Natural Approach to Cancer—a webinar uncovering the groundbreaking discoveries of Dr. Mirko Beljanski. This webinar explains how environmental toxins destabilize the physical structure of DNA, the effects of carcinogenic substances on the human body at the cellular level, and the promising potential of natural extracts to selectively target destabilized DNA.This webinar will empower everyone concerned with cancer and a MUST-WATCH for all healthcare professionals seeking innovative, science-backed approaches to cancer prevention and treatment.