Publications on Ginkgo Biloba
Interested in a specific ingredient perfected by Dr. Beljanski? For your convenience we have selected on one page all the scientific publications published by Dr. Beljanski on this specific ingredient, as well as the research papers resulting from the Beljanski Foundation’s partnerships. The goal of the Foundation is to share this knowledge and increase awareness  about  scientific research conducted on natural compounds. If you care about providing scientifically researched alternatives to chemical drugs, please support the Beljanski Foundation’s research program.
New Research on Anti-Cancer Effects of Golden Ginkgo Leaf Extract
This publication shows that the Golden Ginkgo Leaf Extract (GGLE) fights cancer progression by inhibiting two major survival strategies of cancer cells: blocking the recruitment of blood vessels that feed tumor growth; and curtailing the invasion of tissues that enables metastasis. This study, focusing on melanoma, was conducted at the University of Kansas Medical Center in Dr. Qi Chen’s laboratory, a longtime collaborator of the Beljanski Foundation.
Cancers use more than one tactic to promote their advance. Not only do they divide rapidly, they send out a signal, called angiogenin, that stimulates new blood supply for tumors and strengthens their capacity to spread by penetrating neighboring tissues. GGLE specifically inhibits the release of this pro-cancer signal, thereby suppressing tumor growth and metastasis.
Combinations of GGLE for its anti-vascular and anti-metastatic activity with the Pao pereira and Rauwolfia vomitoria extracts for direct killing of cancer cells provide a formidable, non-toxic, triple action approach to the fight against cancer.
Read more:
Chen P, Wang T, Chen Q. Ginkgo biloba Golden Leaf Extract (GGLE) Inhibits Melanoma Cell Invasion and Angiogenesis Through Inhibition of Angiogenin. Integrative Cancer Therapies. 2023;22. doi:10.1177/15347354221134513
Dr. Mirko Beljanski's Publications
As he was developing his extracts Dr. Mirko Beljanski referred to his specific Ginkgo Biloba extract from golden leaves as Bioparyl.
127 J.E. CAUSSE, T. NAWROCKI, M. BELJANSKI, “Human Skin Fibrosis RNase Search for a Biological Inhibitor-Regulator“. Deutsche Zeitschrift für Onkologie, 26, 5, 1994, pp. 137-139.