RNA Fragments
Dr. Beljanski’s interest in a remedy for immunodeficiency led him to exploit the discovery that RNA fragments are essential for DNA replication. He prepared small RNA oligonucleotides that enabled DNA synthesis in bone marrow stem cells triggering normal white blood cell production and the restoration of full immunity. These fragments solve the problem of immunodeficiency for cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy and provide critical support for individuals with weakened immune systems no matter the cause. “Your ideas and results are simply fascinating,” wrote Sten Friberg (Karolinska University) in 1980 to Dr. Mirko Beljanski, speaking of his discovery regarding the RNA fragments.
BREAKING NEWS:A new clinical trial for Long COVID patients
The Beljanski Foundation is sponsoring a new clinical trial for patients with Long COVID because of the urgent need for a new and successful treatment. Anecdotal reports from patients experiencing lingering symptoms from an infection with SARS-CoV-2 started to emerge shortly after the beginning of the pandemic, and the term “Long Covid” was coined to name this condition and alert the scientific community. Upwards of 65 million people worldwide are now suffering from this condition. The goal is to test whether the administration of a special preparation of small RNA fragments, originally developed by Dr. Mirko Beljanski, will work by stimulating stem cells in the bone marrow to produce new immune cells. Previous research conducted on this special preparation at Cancer Treatment Centers of America confirmed its safety and effectiveness for treating thrombocytopenia (low platelets) caused by chemotherapy. Thrombocytopenia has been seen in a significant number of Long COVID patients, and low platelets are associated with fatigue – a major symptom of Long COVID. The trial will also reveal the potential of the RNA fragments to re-balance immunity in these patients.
Support Long COVID Research
While the critical role of RNA primers was first discovered by Okazaki, those short segments of RNA acting as primers for initiating the synthesis of new strands of DNA were originally developed by Dr. Beljanski, a French Biologist from the Pasteur Institute in Paris, France. The fragments work by stimulating stem cells in the bone marrow to produce our immune cells. They have been available as dietary ingredients in the US since the 90s, and it is a commercial preparation made available by Maison Beljanski, which will be used for the clinical trial. Enrollment for the clinical trial is already on its way in Europe. The findings are expected to provide valuable insight into whether improving bone marrow function and patient immunity is a pathway for successful Long COVID treatment. Read more
“Platelet levels have been measured in depressed patients and have been found to be decreased when compared to normal controls. Therefore, interference in this process might be a promising avenue for further research to address mild thrombocytopenia in people with Long COVID, along with the most common side effects of this condition, which are fatigue and depression,” says Dr. John Hall, Director of Research at the Beljanski Foundation.
Sylvie Beljanski and Dr. John Hall talk about the new clinical trial
RNA Fragments and Cancer Support
A clinical trial at Cancer Treatment Centers of America demonstrated that Beljanski’s RNA fragments (ReaLBuild) prevents the devastating loss of white blood cells in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy—a treatment that damages the generation of our immune cells. With Beljanski’s RNA fragments, platelet counts returned to normal. None of the patients protected by Beljanski’s RNA fragments required dose reduction, suspension of treatment or transfusion. All of the patients completed the full course of treatment without any negative side effects.
Our immune systems are constantly challenged by environmental factors, stress and fatigue. Loss of white blood cells makes us vulnerable to all sorts of pathogens including viral, bacterial and parasitic infections. Neutrophils are the white blood cells that respond first to these infections and if the response is strong the infection can be resolved. Beljanski’s RNA fragments provides a natural way to rebuild our immunity and boost low neutrophil counts into normal range. This enables an effective immune response.
There is increasing evidence that the immune system has gone awry in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). A small set of doctors and families have seen striking improvements in language skills and reduced hyperactivity in autistic children who take low doses of Beljanski’s RNA fragments. They stimulate production of white blood cells and this fortification of the immune system gives rise to a neurological benefit in children with ASD. The precise mechanism of this profound result has yet to be determined.
How it works
Dr. Beljanski made a preparation of short RNA fragments and discovered that they function as primers that specifically initiate DNA duplication in bone marrow stem cells. When these stem cells divide and differentiate they give rise to white blood cells. Note that RNA primers are required for DNA replication and Beljanski thought that his fragments would provide critical immune support in individuals whose white blood cell counts are low. The clinical trial proved him right as the fragments restored normal counts in cancer chemotherapy patients with severe white blood cell loss. The trial also showed that the source of the specially prepared RNA fragments is critical—the fragments that work are prepared from E. coli K-12, a strain of bacteria normally present in a healthy intestinal tract. RNA fragments prepared from yeast cells functioned poorly by comparison.
The activity of the RNA fragments is physiologic—administering RNA fragments to cancer patients with myelosuppression simply supplies RNAs that are normally present in the body to act as stimulators of white blood cell production. The RNA fragments are derived from a safe strain of E. coli and so may replace bacterial RNAs normally available from turnover of the intestinal flora that is commonly lost (as is bone marrow function) as a side effect of chemotherapy.
The Beljanski Foundation is planning to assemble more case histories that document the effects of RNA Fragments in children with ASD. The reports to date are extremely encouraging and additional case histories will provide a basis for a formal study and enable us to learn more about how the RNA fragments show neurological benefits.
Clinical Trial and Other Publications
RNA Fragments And their Effectiveness With Different Cancers
Since 1999, The Beljanski Foundation has worked toward a natural cure for cancer following the steps of Dr. Mirko Beljanski’s research and discoveries. The Foundation has worked to prove the efficacy of RNA fragments to support a healthy immune system even when severely challenged by chemotherapy drugs.
A Successful Clinical Trial Demonstrated that Natural RNA Fragments Can Help Maintain a Normal Level of White Blood Cells, Even Under Chemo
Low platelet counts, a condition called Thrombocytopenia, is a side effect of chemotherapy drugs that damage the bone marrow stem cells that normally produce platelets. A Phase I clinical trial showed that Beljanski’s RNA fragments could prevent thrombocytopenia by inducing the production of new platelets. Read more
Mirko Beljanski and Immunodeficiency
Dr. Mirko Beljanski was the first scientist to develop RNA primers as a treatment for immunodeficiencies. This enabled chemotherapy patients and individuals with weakened immune systems to regain normal immune cell numbers and function.
The drugs that are often prescribed to treat myelosuppression are associated with serious side effects whereas no negative side effects are associated with Beljanski’s RNA fragments. Additionally, they provide improvement in the symptoms of children with autistic spectrum disorder.
“Beljanski’s RNA fragments are natural oligoribonucleotides. These are small fragments of building blocks in a cell. They offered, for the first time, a means not only of maintaining normal white blood cell or platelet levels during radiotherapy or chemotherapy, but also of preserving normal ratios among the various kinds of white blood cells, notably those that fight infection. And that makes them, in my view, far superior.”
Professor Shmuel Shoshan | Hadassah-Hebrew University Hospital of Jerusalem
What it says about RNA Fragments
“Rabbits received daily intravenous injections of Endoxan, each dose being forty times greater, proportionally in terms of weight, than the dose normally taken by a human in the course of one week, causing a drop of white blood cells expected to induce death of the animal within ten days. Then, RNA fragments were administered. The leukocyte count rose, and within twenty-four to forty-eight hours was normal again. Once the experiment was finished, the rabbits continued in good health, despite having received antimitotic doses far beyond the doses given in human therapy. Follow-up studies conducted one to two years after the experiment showed no side effects in the rabbits.”
P.64-65 Winning The War On Cancer: The Epic Journey Towards a Natural Cure
What scientists are saying
“Beljanski prepared his RNA fragments from E. coli K-12, a bacterial strain that is safe for human consumption. As seen in the results in the clinical trial at CTCA the E coli preparation stimulates platelet production very efficiently. When they are prepared from yeast cells they fail to stimulate platelet production as shown in this slide. The source of the RNA is critical to success.”
Dr. John Hall
RNA Fragments in Cancer Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy | Dr. John Hall, Research Director at The Beljanski Foundation and Dr. James F. Grutsch | Researcher at Cancer Treatment Centers of America
RNA Fragments | Sylvie Beljanski | The Beljanski Foundation
Latest Chemotherapy Innovation | Dr. James F. Grutsch | Research at Cancer Treatment Centers of America
RNA Fragments & DNA Synthesis | Sylvie Beljanski | The Beljanski Foundation
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Survivor stories
A few years ago, my son was diagnosed with schizophrenia after having been in rehab for substance abuse and experiencing various problems with panic attacks and paranoia. He had been prescribed high doses of Klonopin, a highly addictive substance, without satisfactory results. A doctor told me…
Hello everyone, This is a message of hope and support for all those who are hearing the terrible news of lung cancer coupled with all the morbid tests and predictions that come with it. Since I received the news of an operable non-small cell lung cancer in a closed chest setting, I have been using…
Effective for surgery and fighting the side effects of chemotherapy My wife (48 years old) had triple-negative breast cancer in 2017. Very heavy chemotherapy, which caused vomiting, tingling in the extremities... A friend told us about the Beljanski Foundation and recommended my wife to a…
Pancreatic Cancer, February 2023 I contacted you at the end of 2021 concerning my pancreatic cancer and I am writing to you today to give you news. My pancreatic tumor is now inactive and the numerous liver metastases are well reduced (at least 3/4). The disease is stabilized, hence the lighter…
How long have you been in remission: 6 years Testimonial: Sajonas was diagnosed with leukemia at the age of 19, which is very rare for a person with Down syndrome. The doctors doubted that he would be cured. We called on Dr. Beljanski's medicine, because Sajonas did not want to go to the hospital.…
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