All Cancers
Dear Mrs. Beljanski, My dad's PET-CT turned out great. No trace of cancer. Thank you for your help and guidance.
Pao pereira is an extremely helpful natural treatment that my veterinarian prescribed to my 12 year old dog who suffers from a second tumor in his abdomen but the latter is inoperable. After two months of treatment, the tumor decreased by 12 millimeters. I give it to my dog but I would take it…
Pao pereira, Rauwolfia vomitoria and the RNA Fragments researched by Dr. Beljanski stimulate and protect from C0V1D-19, which is much less harmful if caught. They also help to fight during cancer fatigue. I am very grateful for these extracts, which I have used for years. Monique D.
A big thank you! I trusted the Beljanski extracts when I was sick in 2014 and 2015. While the doctors expected the cancer to take me, to their great surprise I survived. Of course I had the classic heavy treatments, but I am convinced that Pao pereira, Rauwolfia vomitoria, Golden Ginkgo biloba and…
My daughter has been suffering from a left frontal glioblastoma (cancerous tumor) since 2013 and had a life expectancy of 3 months according to the neurosurgeon. She only had a biopsy and was directed to an anti-cancer center. She did not want to follow the allopathic treatment. Instead she did the…
Very good results! I was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer to the lungs 2 years ago. The disease progressed during the first year. Although the lung metastases regressed, bone and liver metastases appeared. About 1 year into my battle with cancer, I started using the Beljanski extracts that…
RNA Fragments Rescues Me from Chemo Very good product that exceeds expectations! Helps for any chemo to raise the white blood cells (and platelets). The rate of intake is left to the patient's discretion, depending on the results of the biological control samples...No doctors or specialists really…
Hi Monique, It's an honor receiving a response from you! I wanted to let you know that we've been using the RNA Fragments to help with white blood cell boost over the course of my wife's cancer and it worked. We let our local Oncologist know of it and he thanked us for the tip. Thanks again, Andy…
Pao pereira is incredibly effective, especially when used with Rauwolfia vomitoria. It contributed to a significant regression in my cancer. The RNA fragments helped me to rebalance my blood count. Agnes D.
Thank you for inquiring about my potential visit to the doctor. Unfortunately I have not met him yet simply because I often feel overwhelmed by the medical professionals, nurses, oncologist, surgeon, lungs specialists, scan technicians... that I cannot handle more for the moment. But the…
My mother was diagnosed over a year ago with stage 4 advanced cancer. She chose not to do chemo, radiation or get an operation. Besides slight changes to her diet and an estrogen blocker, she took a combination of Pao, Rauwolfia and Golden Ginkgo. This was the only other product she used for her…
Whether it is Pao, Rauwolfia or RNA fragments, they are very effective against cancer from my own experience. As I was undergoing chemo, I realized that the harmful effects of this chemo were counteracted by these extracts. No hair loss, no nausea etc... Correct blood test since the beginning: we…