Women’s Health and Cancer
On Demand Event


This event featured the latest information on the topic:
Women’s Health and Cancer.
Sylvie Beljanski and Martine Calache, CCH shared information and provided people with a unique perspective on the topic that they won’t find anywhere else!

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Women’s Health and Cancer

Welcome to Virtual Healthy Tuesdays On Demand, brought to you by Sylvie Beljanski, Maison Beljanski and The Beljanski Foundation.

This virtual Healthy Tuesday event featured Martine Calache, CCH, a prominent leader in integrative and functional medicine, and Sylvie Beljanski, Founder and Executive Vice President of The Beljanski Foundation whose mission is to cure cancer the natural way. The two enlightened everyone with their insights and approach to everything you would like to know about Women’s Health and Cancer.

Watch this Virtual Healthy Tuesday On Demand Event to learn more.

Meet The Speakers

Sylvie Beljanski

  • Natural Health Advocate
  • Entrepreneur
  • Keynote Speaker
  • Award Winning Author
Martine Calache

Martine Calache, CCH

  • Inspirational Homeopathic Practitioner
  • Founded First Class Homeopathy School

Powerful points shared bySylvie Beljanski and Martine Calache, CCH:

  • 2 out of 3 women are likely to develop cancer during their lifetime and 1 out of 8 women will develop breast cancer
  • Some endocrine disruptors are known for their proven or suspected effects in the development of hormone-dependent cancers (breast, uterus, prostate, testicles)
  • More than 70% of beauty and personal care products contain phthalates
  • A study conducted in the UK shows that breast tumors found on 19 out of 20 women contained 5 parabens
  • Many antidepressant drugs have been associated with an increased risk of developing cancer
  • Autoimmune diseases represent the 4th largest cause of disability among women in the USA
    • Remove causes wherever possible
      • Avoid inflammatory foods, eliminate heavy metals
      • Eat a healthy diet full of organic fruits and vegetables
      • End toxic relationships
    • Support your body’s natural healing process
      • Support the liver and gut microbiome with supplementation
      • Omega 3s and probiotics
    • Address health problems with a versatile, natural anti-inflammatory/anti-cancer/anti-viral product containing Pao Pereira and/or Rauwolfia Vomitoria
    • Homeopathy
      • No negative side effects
      • Non habit-forming
      • Treats the body as whole
      • No animal testing
      • Inexpensive

100% of the proceeds from the event will go to
The Beljanski Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit,
to help fund anticancer research to cure cancer the natural way.


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