Naturally Overcoming Inflammation
On Demand Event
This event featured the latest information on Naturally Overcoming Inflammation. Dr. John Hall and Dr. Will Cole, experts in integrative medicine, shared information and answered questions which provided people with a new outlook on how to naturally overcome inflammation.
Meet The Speakers
Dr. John Hall
- Research Director for The Beljanski Foundation
- Alternative Medicine Expert
Dr. Will Cole
- Senior Clinic Director for Cole Natural Health Centers
- Functional Medicine Practitioner
Powerful points shared byDr. John Hall and Dr. Will Cole:
- Inflammation does not happen overnight, research estimates it takes 4-10 years before it turns into a chronic disease
- Research shows 60% of American adults have a chronic disease and chronic inflammation diseases are the most significant cause of death in the world
- Estimates show 1/3 of inflammation is genetics and 2/3 epigenetics
- 3 ways to lower inflammation:
- Elimination diet (every food we eat either feeds or fights inflammation)
- Intermittent fasting
- Mindfulness practice
- Inflammatory core 4:
- Gluten containing grains
- Added sugar
- Industrial seed oils
- Conventional diary
- NF-κB is the master regulator of inflammation
- Over 40 years of research stemming back from Dr. Beljanski’s work to today shows Pao pereira works as an anti-inflammatory agent without any negative side effects
100% of the proceeds from the event will go to
The Beljanski Foundation, a non-profit 501(c)(3), to help fund anticancer research to cure cancer the natural way.
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