Publications on Green Teas
Interested in a specific ingredient perfected by Dr. Beljanski? For your convenience we have selected on one page all the scientific publications published by Dr. Beljanski on this specific ingredient, as well as the research papers resulting from the Beljanski Foundation’s partnerships. The goal of the Foundation is to share this knowledge and increase awareness  about  scientific research conducted on natural compounds. If you care about providing scientifically researched alternatives to chemical drugs, please support the Beljanski Foundation’s research program.
Different tea products could affect the growth of cancer cells. Four popular tea products were evaluated, including 3 green teas and a black tea, namely Bigelow Green Tea with Mint, Kusmi Chinese Green Tea, OnkoTea Green Tea Blend, and Lipton Black Tea. Panels of breast cancer cells, melanoma cells, liver cancer cells, and bladder cancer cells were tested. The results showed that the effects of tea on cell proliferation was concentration dependent. At a higher concentration range, all 4 tea products inhibited the cancer cells, with OnkoTea showing the best inhibitory effect.
A DNA based assay for screening compounds for anti-cancer potential identified four green teas with impressive anti-cancer effect. An extract was prepared from a combination of all four of the teas and this extract was tested for anti-cancer activity in cell based assays in Dr. Qi Chen’s laboratory at the Department of Pharmacology, Toxicology and Therapeutics, University of Kansas Medical Center. When tested against extracts of other well-known teas, the four green tea blend had the most potent anti-cancer effect. This research was accepted for presentation at the 16th International Conference of the Society for Integrative Oncology and published in EC Nutrition.