Tongue Cancer Testimonial

Tongue Cancer Testimonial

October 1994: I am 64 years old and I am retiring from the French National Teacher Association. Very tired, I have had a wound on the tip of my tongue for over a year that I haven't worried too much about.

At the beginning of February 1994: I finally decided to consult a stomatologist who believed it was a cancerous tumor on the tip of the tongue.

End of February 1994: consultation at Bordeaux University Hospital which confirms the diagnosis of the stomatologist.

March 7, 1994: appointment at the Nantes Regional Cancer Center to get a second opinion. Two doctors confirm the Bordeaux diagnosis, namely: “large ulcerated lesion of the tongue. At least 4 cm in diameter in its largest diameter.”

March 22, 1994: operation at the Bordeaux University Hospital: lymph node dissection, large hemiglossectomy (in fact: removal of 2/3 of the tongue).

April 18 to June 28, 1994: 31 radiotherapy sessions.


February 1994: learning that I had serious cancer, a friend from Cognac, seeing my despair, persuaded me to put all the chances on my side and gave me a telephone number to contact, without further details. The same evening I called this number and I got Mr. Gérard WEIDLICH on the phone. This person gives me courage and hope by pointing me to a doctor who can advise me on the use of the BELJANSKI approach, something I had never heard of before.

Beginning of March 1994: on the recommendation of this doctor, ie 22 days before my operation, I start using the natural extracts.

During my whole stay (3 months) at Bordeaux University Hospital, my wife stayed in my room and gave me Pao pereira, Rauwolfia vomitoria, Golden Leaf of Ginkgo Biloba and RNA Fragments every day. For an entire year, I took all four natural extracts.

Thanks to Ginkgo biloba, I went through the 31 radiotherapy sessions which lasted 6 weeks without suffering any side effects due to the rays. It allowed me to bypass the terrible radiation fibrosis which was a shock to my doctors. After 31 radiotherapy sessions, my white blood cell count had become dramatically low. In 3 or 4 months, thanks to the RNA fragments, I regained a normal level of white blood cells (4660/mm3), a level that I still maintain in 2008, 15 years after my operation.

Since the end of 1995: I have only taken Pao pereira. For 10 years, I have been taking a total of 2 capsules per day of Pao pereira dosed at 200 mg. Having difficulty swallowing, I dilute, morning and evening, the contents of the capsule in a teaspoon of milk or soup. I have decided that I will take these 2 capsules daily for the rest of my life given the extraordinary results.


I weighed 198 lbs before the operation and 165 lbs when I left the hospital. Today, I am 6 feet tall and weigh 176 lbs. I have no tooth decay and all my teeth. I found, and very quickly, my taste buds.

After 31 radiotherapy sessions, my beard was completely gone and the radiologists from the hospital told me that it would never grow back. To their astonishment, my beard has grown back and they cannot explain this phenomenon. After all these rays, I had no radiation fibrosis to the astonishment of the doctors of Bordeaux.

As of October 1994, I passed my annual medical examination. Professionally I am a pilot and I passed the flight tests for the renewal of my pilot license in the same way, as if nothing had happened.

On June 4, 1998, my doctor wrote during a follow up appointment: “In complete remission. Weight 170 lbs. On examination, there is no sign of recurrence.”

On March 8, 2001, mu doctor wrote during a joint consultation: “Patient in very good general condition, not complaining of anything. On examination, no sign of relapse of the treated lingual tumor, 8 years ago. No palpable cervical lymphadenopathy. The mirror examination is itself very reassuring, showing no anomalies. Weight 176 lbs.”

February 2011 will begin my 18th year of rebirth and my 18th year of daily intake of Pao pereira.


I would like to thank from the bottom of my heart Mr. Gérard WEIDLICH for telling me about Dr. Mirko Beljanski.

I would like to thank from the bottom of my heart Dr. Beljanski, which I had the opportunity to do in person, with great emotion, on Sunday September 6, 1998, the day of the traditional CIRIS picnic in Saintes, before his death on October 28, 1998.

Pity for all the wretches who made life impossible for this great scientist and this Great Man.