Testimonial of the subtle effects of RNA Fragments on the nervous system
Being divorced and living in Paris with my four children, we decided to move. We settled in the Deux-Sèvres region because we came there every year on vacation and the children liked it.
I have a 3 year old son who was anxious, hyper active and he destroyed himself whenever something went wrong. So I spoke to my doctor, who told me to crack down and give him different medicines. This had no effect if only short-lived. Then we tried a homeopathic treatment with some results but not satisfying enough, so I decided to try one of the “Beljanski” products I had heard about. He took one dose per week of RNA Fragments (ReaLBuild) for ten weeks and the results for him brought a real new beginning in our life. He slept through the night, ate properly, completely stopped beating himself up, had an improvement in speech and above all was much less sick as he had an average of one sore throat per month. He hasn’t done a single since.
In August, my twelve and ten year old daughters were involved in a very violent road accident. The one who was twelve years old suffered bodily injuries that she was able to treat and heal quickly.
As for my other daughter, it was very different because the consequences were psychological. She went to a Psychologist because she had a lot of nightmares, was still terrified and stressed to the extreme. In addition, she had speech difficulties. As I had already tried the “Beljanski” extracts on my son Steven, I decided to repeat the experience with Sabrina. She was able to stop seeing the Psychologist after four sessions after taking 3 doses of RNA Fragments once a week. The speech therapist observed the improvement in my daughter’s speech problems very quickly as she had been followed for over three years without much success. Sabrina is no longer stressed and above all she is living her life for herself and not through me as she always has. She is an eleven-year-old new girl who is finally waking up to her life.
I owe a lot to the “Beljanski” extracts and in particular to the RNA Fragments distributed by Maison Beljanski. This has allowed me to have a much more pleasant relationship with my children. I sincerely hope that all parents who have difficulties with their children can enjoy the benefits of this natural approach.