Testimonial: Lung Cancer
After consulting Dr. Brune for respiratory failure, I was forced to undergo medical exams. My wife was summoned and the doctors told her I had a bronchoalveolar carcinoma with a large reactive edema. I needed chemotherapy or radiotherapy!
My wife and Dr. Brune thought that I was at the end of my life. She told the doctor that I was “screwed” and that I had 2 to 3 months to live. We went for a second opinion with a pulmonologist (Dr. Martin, St Jean clinic), but received the same news. My wife told him the same thing…with a little more kindness.
At that moment, I started taking the Beljanski extracts. Since than I breathe much better, I have gained back 10 lbs and my strength and my appetite have returned. My doctors have followed me and are shocked at my evolution.
I wish to continue these natural extracts until the end of my days!