Anonymous testimonial of a breast cancer survivor

August 17, 1988: My physician had me undergo a mammogram, as soon as the hormonal cycle allowed it. 

Diagnosis: cancerous tumor of 4cm by 5cm.

It was at this moment that I discovered the possibility of helping chemotherapy with the Beljanski extracts, meaning I could confidently begin the first course of chemotherapy at Curie.

February 1989: fourth cure. 

“Everything happens as if it was magic. You really reacted remarkably to the treatment,” said Dr. Jouve, the chemotherapist at Curie. 

February 17, 1989: last infusion.

February 20, 1989: I resumed working full time and without any sick leave until June 30, 1989.

Of course we were surprised. There were no relapses of infection since the November alert and my blood count is astounding.

On February 6, 1989, just before the fourth treatment I had:

  • Leukocytes: 5500
  • Red blood cells: 4,280,000
  • Platelets: 190,000

During the mammogram carried out at Curie in February, the tumor was still visible, but the nature of the cells had already changed. They don’t look the same anymore. When Doctor Vilcoq visited, it was decided to make me undergo twenty-five cobalt bomb sessions, or fifty grays, starting on March 9th. Therefore I took in parallel with the radiotherapy treatment, I took the Beljanski extracts. 

It’s fabulous: I am working full time and I go for radiation five times a week. I am blonde and I not only have Viking skin but I cannot deny a Hermande and Alsatian ancestry! No burns, no traces. To complete the work, the radiotherapist from La Rochelle, in agreement with the Curie Institute, decided to have me undergo fifteen sessions of electron accelerator (or thirty additional grays) after a fifteen day break.

End of treatment: end of May 1989. 

Visit to Curie on June 8. Doctor Jouve, chemotherapist, is stunned. “It is not possible! To have such a blood count, you had a transfusion!” But no Doctor! The miracle is due to the Beljanski extracts. How do I explain that on July 25, when the radiotherapy effects continue for several months after treatment, I have:

  • Leukocytes: 3700
  • Red blood cells: 15,800
  • Platelets: 4,460,000

But there is more! 

June 28, 1989: Mammography of both breasts. 

“Why are you having a mammogram,” asked the dumbfounded radiologist. 

“But doctor, I think there is a problem,” I said. 

“What problem? Everything is normal! It’s wonderful, there is nothing left!” exclaimed the doctor.