Breast Cancer – Mr. Claude F.
December 9, 2005, I discovered a lump in my left breast. I got a diagnosis through an ultrasound and biopsy. The verdict was cancer, and my doctor suggested chemo and radiation therapy sessions.
After reflection, and because I didn’t feel comfortable with this treatment, in February 2006, I consulted another doctor who gave me more hope. This doctor recommended the Beljanski extracts. On February 11, I started taking 18 capsules per day: 6 capsules 3 times a day, a half hour before each meal: 2 capsules of Pao pereira extract + 2 capsules Rauwolfia vomitoria extract + 2 capsules of Golden leaf of Ginkgo biloba extract.
February 14, I began a Breusee cure as I weighed 85 kg. It lasted 21 days and I lost 10 kg. This was quite a test, but I could overcome it. I went back on a normal diet and my new doctor prescribed a sensible crystallization which would confirm the arrest of the malignant process. I kept a chart of parameters that I found important and all is well. I reduced the dosage of Beljanski’s extracts in November 2006 to 9 per day (3 of each 3 times a day). In the case of biological decoding of my illness, I wrote 250 pages and that made me feel good.
In 2010, morally and physically, all is well. The tumor was necrosed under the skin and it became very hard. I am thinking of leaving things in this state because it doesn’t really bother me, and I don’t envision undergoing surgery to have it removed because of the risk involved. After having taken control of my health, and as I like to give back to others, I am always speaking of Dr. Mirko Beljanski and The Beljanski Foundation. It is my way of helping ill people and of recognizing this intelligent man.
I would be interested in what crystallization means here? Are the 250 pages published by Claude F?
Hi Kay
Thanks for your message. The 250 pages are his journal, so no it’s not published. If you’d like to speak with one of the members from out team, please use this link to fill out the contact form and someone will get back to you ASAP.