Brain cancer – Guy B.
April 14, after having difficulty speaking, it got worse and I could no longer speak. I went back to the emergency room at the hospital in LaRochelle. They did a brain scan and diagnosed me with a brain tumor.
April 17, I had been a new patient in the office of medical imagery of Dr. A. R. to undergo a brain scan. The results confirmed a tissue lesion of 28×22 mm, developed in the front temporal left region
First, the doctors decided to resorb the edema so that I could speak again, which seemed like the proper solution. Later, I learned that the doctors told my wife that I had only one month to live.
May 8, at Chu de Poitiers, I signed a consent form for treatment of primitive brain lymphomas by a combination of different doses of ZAVEDOS in association with methotrexate, vindesine, and prednisolone.
This experimental protocol of chemotherapy did not do anything for the brain tumor, but I came back with blocked kidneys, a new difficulty to overcome.
In June, I began a series of 30 sessions of radiation. On July 4, I underwent a new cerebral scanner under the direction of Dr. Rosine H. at La Rochelle. In his summary, Dr. Beatrice A. indicates: “insufficient kidney function after chemotherapy.”
A dynamic member of CIRIS, and one of my friends, gave me information about the Beljanski® products, to be used in synergy with conventional treatments. I cannot thank him enough for his help and his devotion. I thus understood that the active substance in Dr. Beljanski’s Pao pereira extract was capable of passing the barrier for selectively destroying cancerous cells. It is an extraordinary property for a product that is natural.
October 12 I consulted with a recommended doctor in Royan, who knew about the discoveries of the researcher Mirko Beljanski. I began to take the Beljanski® dietary supplements from Maison Beljanski containing Pao pereira, Rauwolfia vomitoria, Golden Leaf of Ginkgo Biloba, RNA Fragments and Green Teas.
October 30, the brain MRI taken at Chu de la Rochelle gave enlightening results signed by the doctor Patrice D. “Cyst of 1 cm…no other localization suspected evident…no abnormality…the exam on this day finds again a left fronto-parietal lesion. This could enter in the scope of a regression of the lesion itself.”
February 5, MRI of the encephale taken at CHU de la Rochelle by Dr. Patrice D. confirms “presence of cyst of 1 cm…no other recurrence suspected…attempt to control in a delay of six months.”
The doctors consider me in complete remission: The specialists were very surprised by these results, and they questioned themselves. Fearing a hostile reaction at my approach, I did not say anything of the use of the Beljanski® products, which I chose in order to save my life.
August 7 brain MRI was taken at CHU of La Rochelle. Dr. Patrice D. writes in his conclusion, “No image of recurrence suspected.”
January 2 in my last account at Chu de la Rochelle, Dr. Patrice D. in his conclusion of an exam tomodensitometry thoraco-abdomino-pelvien writes “the exam on this day does not show any profound ganglionnaire lesion.”
I am pleased because I was able to take my health into my own hands. The effectiveness of the Beljanski® products is indisputable, as indicated by my testimonial. They had been much help to me and had efficacy in record time. I give much credit to Mirko Beljanski. I wish to be able to help other ill people with inoperable brain tumors.