Francine B. talks about beating AIDS
I entered the hospital for an operation, but a catastrophic hemorrhage occurred. It took no less than 69 bags of blood for me to survive. After a month in hospital, I went home.
A urinary tract infection then happed, which required draining my kidney.
A few months later: I had sudden surge of lymph nodes in my groin, neck and under arm. Urinary tract infections started again and quickly became repetitive, requiring constant close medical supervision. My fatigue is immense, my immune system continues to deteriorate and infections follow one another.
It will lasted four years, four years without anyone being able to explain to me the reason for my condition, nor to put an end to it.
They all prescribe the same antibiotic, strong Bactrim, but no one cares why it doesn't work... or worries about its side effects that worsen my immune system. Four long years of dragging me along, to the point where my husband has to quit his job to take care of me, the house and our children.
It is said that there is no cure and that people with the disease inevitably die after suffering for a long time. I fear that I have infected my husband and constantly live in horror to think that I could have transmitted death to the man I love, that our children risk having to witness my slow agony, to imagine my children and husband alone, while I felt so much love for them.
My discouragement was immense.
At my next doctor appointment my attending physician gave me an AIDS test, which turned out positive. It was also discovered that the blood transfusions gave me hepatitis C. My doctor then suggested that I go to the hospital.
I categorically refused.
My doctor then told me about a patient suffering from the same disease, who could no longer work as his condition had deteriorated, but who, following a new treatment was much better and had resumed his work. "I will try to find the name of this person” he promised us.
Immediately he explained to us that he was not a doctor, but a researcher in biochemistry, asked us to keep in contact with our doctor, and to have certain additional tests done. He told us that he cannot make a decision until he has reviewed all the documents.
Soon after, I started taking Pao Pereira (Pau pereira), an antiviral drug he had developed himself.
It had been practically a month since I took the extract very regularly when, suddenly and for the first time in years, my urinary tract infections disappeared. However, I was often worried: would there be resistance of viruses, resumption of the disease?
Because at that time, the man who gave me life and hope was attacked from all sides in the press and on television in the most brutal and unfair way possible. Some associations followed suit, and high profile doctors claimed with hatred and contempt that "this was all charlatanism."
And some evenings, I was in doubt: had I taken the right option?
Until the day when, the police came to arrest him and confiscated my products…they were trying to kill me, for the second time!
I never stopped taking Beljanski products except in this dark period when the police came to confiscate them, kept me in custody for 48 hours, made me sleep in a cell, search my apartment and my little country house.
This police created a lot of stress that almost took me away. In fact, my immunity fell significantly but still and thanks to Beljanski extracts my health was holding up despite a T4 lymphocyte rate that fell to around 70 instead of 500 to 1200, normal value in women.
Despite the stress, the family troubles, the psychological persecutions, the sorrow of seeing Dr. Beljanski destroyed, I live a healthy life that I intend to enjoy it for many more years. Thank you to Monique and Sylvie Beljanski, and the Beljanski Foundation who ensure important relationships for patients by informing them about the latest advances in research.