Testimonial: Anklyositic Spondylarthritis – Mr. Jean-Jacques G.
Over 20 years ago, I found myself needing crutches. The doctor who was treating me prescribed a homeopathic treatment combined with taking RNA Fragments regularly. 4 years passed, I wasn’t sure of things and I felt like I wanted to stop treatment. As soon as I did, I suffered a new bout of illness. One month after returning to RNA fragments, everything was once again going well.
It has now been 20 years since RNA Fragments have helped me with my anklyositic spondylarthritis and it’s over 11 years since I have stopped taking medicine. I am aware that I owe all this in large part to Mirko Beljanski’s discoveries. Life for me would not have been what it is if I hadn’t ever used RNA Fragments to treat this serious illness.