Episode 10 - How To Rediscover Hope Through Alternative Cancer Treatments with Dr. Carlos Bautista, MD
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In this episode, hosts Sylvie and Victor welcome Dr. Carlos Bautista, founder of Immunity Therapy Center in Tijuana, Mexico.Dr. Bautista shares his journey into alternative cancer therapies, driven by his father’s battle with lung cancer. He discusses the range of non-conventional treatments offered at his center, which include immunotherapies, biomagnetic therapies, and bioresonance treatments. The conversation also covers patient experiences, dietary recommendations, and the importance of lifestyle changes in cancer prevention.
Dr. Bautista emphasizes the significance of early intervention and the center’s success in treating late-stage cancer patients. He also underscores the role of education and supplementation in maintaining health post-treatment.
- Global Patient Demographics
- Unique Treatments Offered
- Higher Remission Rates
- Understanding Alternative Cancer Therapies
- Patient Experience at Immunity Therapy Center
- Importance of Diet and Lifestyle
- Common Misunderstandings About Cancer
00:00 Introduction to Dr. Carlos Bautista
00:46 Personal Journey into Alternative Medicine
02:24 Establishing Immunity Therapy Center
02:59 Why Patients Choose Tijuana for Treatment
04:19 Understanding Alternative Cancer Therapies
07:03 Patient Experience at Immunity Therapy Center
16:31 Importance of Diet and Lifestyle
23:40 Common Misunderstandings About Cancer
27:51 Final Thoughts and Contact Information
Introduction to Dr. Carlos Bautista
Victor Dwyer: Dr. Bautista, thank you so much for joining us today! Please give the audience a little intro of who you are and how you got into alternative cancer therapies.
Dr. Carlos Bautista, MD: Well, I’m Dr. Carlos Bautista. I was born here in Tijuana, Mexico. I graduated from Baja California State University or Universidad Autónoma de Baja California is the public university here.
I got my degree and then I got a Master’s in Nutrition from the same university. And then, well, and I’ve been working in the, in the alternative medicine field for my whole career.
Personal Journey into Alternative Medicine
Dr. Carlos Bautista, MD: What happened was that when I was in my final year of medicine school, my father was diagnosed with lung cancer, with a small cell lung cancer.
And, well, he had the chemotherapy, he had the radiation, and he was from being a normal human being to nothing in a matter of two or three months. That’s when I started, you know, trying to research a little bit more about other options. And that’s when I found all this whole new world to me, which was alternative medicine. So, I started studying. I, I wasn’t aware, but there was already many hospitals here in Tijuana for alternative medicine. So I decided to, after finishing school graduating, I started to work at some of these hospitals. And then I developed my, my own therapy treatments, if you want to call it that, immunotherapies.
And I started, you know, traveling and going to other parts of the world trying to educate myself because, obviously, they don’t teach you this at school. So, that’s how I became, you know in the alternative medicine in, in cancer.
Establishing Immunity Therapy Center
Dr. Carlos Bautista, MD: That’s how everything started and after some time I was able to open my own little office many years ago. And it grew from there, you know, I started to have more patients until. I was able to build my new hospital, which is eight story building, and we have all the all the treatments, and we have all the facilities that we need.
Sylvie Beljanski: So, what is, for the audience, what is the name of your, of your clinic, and you, I assume you have a lot of Americans coming, traveling to Tijuana to, to benefit from your treatments.
So why would somebody travel to Tijuana to, to see you and benefit from your treatments?
Why Patients Choose Tijuana for Treatment
Dr. Carlos Bautista, MD: Well my, the name of the hospital here is Immunity Therapy Center and yeah, we receive actually, obviously the majority from the U. S. and Canada, but we receive patients from Europe and we receive patients from Asia as well, from Australia, from all over the world.
And the reason is because we do here things at work that are not available where they are from, particularly the United States or Canada or these other countries. And that’s the reason, because we are effective and we have a higher remission rate than, than doing conventional treatments alone.
Sylvie Beljanski: When you say alone, does that mean that you are combining traditional, conventional treatments and other therapies?
Dr. Carlos Bautista, MD: Not exactly. We have a treatment where we do microdoses of chemotherapy that is called IPT, Insulin Potentiation Therapy, or DMSO Potentiation Therapy, but no, we, we don’t do conventional treatments here, meaning full dose chemo or full dose radiation. We don’t do those type of treatments here. No.
Sylvie Beljanski: Okay.
Understanding Alternative Cancer Therapies
Victor Dwyer: Can you go into what that alternative treatments means. So, I really don’t know, like, like, can you go into like what those treatments are a little bit?
Dr. Carlos Bautista, MD: Yeah. Alternative therapies are treatments that are going to not affect the body, are going to heal cancer cells, but are not going to cause this disruption in the system like chemotherapy or radiation does.
That’s the whole point of doing alternative treatments. And our therapy is based on heat treatments, on immunotherapies, on biomagnetic therapies, on bioresonance treatments, and so on. But it’s, it’s a program that I put together where they synergize therapies with each other and they’re very effective without the need of, of conventional treatments exactly.
Victor Dwyer: Can you give an example of like, if I was a patient with brain cancer, for example, what, what would be the like therapies that I would undergo? And like, what does that mean? Like what are the therapies and what did they do?
Dr. Carlos Bautista, MD: Well, you chose one cancer that it’s probably a little bit more difficult because of the blood brain barrier that doesn’t allow too many things to, to go through, but mainly immunotherapies in brain cancers, whole body hyperthermia. When we’re dealing with other type of solid tumors, lung or ovarian or pancreas or you name it, we do the same treatments. But for example, we use Rife therapy, which is a bioresonance treatment, biofrequency, where we use very specific frequencies for each cancer, against each cancer.
So, it’s a combination of different treatments, but we try to make it as specific as possible.
Sylvie Beljanski: And what about diet, supplements, and those kind of things?
Dr. Carlos Bautista, MD: Well, yeah, definitely, we have, diet is very important and the supplement support is very important. Diet, as you know, is key to eliminate, for example, sugars, you know we usually do a low, low glycemic index diet and we use different supplementation.
We use Beljanski supplements, like as you may know it.
Sylvie Beljanski: Mm-Hmm
Dr. Carlos Bautista, MD: We use the ones for, well, to stop the cancer from, from spreading the cancer and to stimulate the immune system. And for detoxification is very important as well.
Patient Experience at Immunity Therapy Center
Sylvie Beljanski: And so, so can you walk us a little bit through the experience of the patient?
He’s arriving in Tijuana, probably from a bus coming from San Diego, and then what?
Dr. Carlos Bautista, MD: Well, normally we tell patients to fly to San Diego. Most of the time it’s easier. We pick them up at the airport, then we come down here, to the hospital. It’s about a 20, 20-minute, 25-minute drive down here They cross the border to, we are located just like two or three minutes from the water so they get here quickly. When they arrive here, they are seen by, or the arriving the doctor that sees patients that are coming in, clinical histories made, you know, blood samples are taken, and, and then after that, I see the majority of the patients.
And then after we design a program that is specific for that type of cancer, that implies probably like 15 or 20 different treatments, combined of some of the treatments that I already mentioned, along with the specific immunotherapies. We request patients to be here 6 days a week, Monday through Saturday.
Normally they rest on Sundays. We have two shifts patients coming from 8 to 2, and from 9 to 7. So, they have their assigned treatment area, they have their assigned doctor, and their assigned nurse, and all the treatments come to them. Some patients come, we are, as I was explaining, a full certified hospital.
So, we have an inpatient program as well, that will take care of patients that are not able to, to come and go. So they stay here with us, and, and, and the process is the same, the only difference is that all of the treatments are given in their, in their hospital room, along with other services that they might
Victor Dwyer: And how long do they usually stay?
Like weeks? How many? Like, what would it be?
Dr. Carlos Bautista, MD: Normally, we request patients to come from for a three-week program. And most of the time patients stay longer than that. They might stay six up to 12 weeks. So, it depends on each case. And very important, this depends as well on the response that we’re having with the cancer.
Victor Dwyer: When it comes down to the response, are you able to, I know it differs based off a lot of different people, but do you end up seeing positive results of like reducing the sizes or like, how do you, I guess, how do you gauge if it’s working, I guess?
Dr. Carlos Bautista, MD: Well, like with a normal conventional way, we have our safety standard here at the hospital, we have our x-rays or ultrasounds.
All type of diagnostic tools or a laboratory where we do all the testing, cancer markers that are needed. So we check cancer markers, we check with a CT scan or MRI or whatever is needed. And well, always our goal is to get rid of the cancer, obviously. And, and that’s our first goal, is not that we achieve that goal with everybody, but that’s our approach with every case.
Victor Dwyer: So it sounds like your overall goal is basically to decrease the size of the cancer and like, obviously, like, just get rid of it, like, obviously get rid of it, but I guess, what are the markers you look for? Is it like, blood cancer rate? Like, what, like, is there any other markers you look for to saying, ‘Hey, this is working’?
Dr. Carlos Bautista, MD: Yeah, like I was mentioning, we do CT scanner where we do tumor sizes. That’s an image in study where we measure and, and compare with previous studies how they are responding. Tumor markers, they’re specific for each cancer. And those are the ones that we do. For example, in a prostate cancer, we do PSAs on a weekly basis, prostate specific antigens.
In colon cancer, we do CEAs. CEA, sorry, in pancreas, CA99. In breast, 15-3, etcetera. There are some cancers, obviously, like lymphoma, leukemias, or some other cancers that we don’t have a tumor marker. And the way we measure is with imaging, with images, compared tumor sizes.
Victor Dwyer: And what would you say is your top three therapies that you either find most effective, or that you are most proud of that, that you serve, I guess. What are the top three therapies?
Dr. Carlos Bautista, MD: Well, it’s not about emotion. It’s about what works and we don’t have, all the treatments that we do here, we chose them because they are effective.
We have research done on them and they are proven to be effective. And it’s a combination with that each therapy synergizes with one another, and that’s why I cannot tell you three that I prefer, because each one will address a specific cancer cell weakness.
Sylvie Beljanski: It depends
Dr. Carlos Bautista, MD: I mean, for example, whole body hyperthermia, local hyperthermia, we know that cancer cells won’t tolerate temperatures above 104, right?
So, we, we try to do a session of whole body hyperthermia and local hyperthermia. That will, for example, make the cancer cells weak and that will allow us to use, to have a better results, for example, with these low dose chemo treatment targeted form or we’re able to have better results with all these other substances like we use, like hydrogen peroxide, sodium bicarbonate, B17, and, and, and, and all the supplements also that all, that we also give to the patients, we are able to achieve better results because we are constantly attacking the cancer, making it the defense weaker, the cancer cell membrane weaker.
Sylvie Beljanski: So, patients, patients, I would like to go back, if you don’t mind, to the patient’s experience. So, the patient’s been spending with you several weeks, and after that, I mean, he’s very happy, the cancer has shrunk, you have the scan to show, to show that, and then the person has to go back to travel home, and then, and then what happens with the… Do they…?
Dr. Carlos Bautista, MD: The key, probably that part is the most important part of their, because they need to continue doing everything themselves. And that’s where we appreciate a lot the relation that we have with Beljanski, which supply us with very good supplementation that allow us to continue with their treatment at home.
It’s a very important part, along with some specific immunotherapies that we prescribe. And that’s something that allow us to continue with, with treatment at home for the next three, six months or a year. And, and, and that’s very important because for them, It’s not easy to continue doing them, so using these supplements becomes more easy for the patient to continue with their good results.
Sylvie Beljanski: Yes. Of course. Of course. It’s compliance. Yes. If there is something you would like the patients to understand about cancer, what would that be?
Dr. Carlos Bautista, MD: Well, you know what? Cancer, unfortunately, nowadays it’s becoming more frequent, and unfortunately, it’s becoming more frequent in younger persons. Actually, I was reading a study that came out a few days ago where, actually, the younger persons are becoming sicker with cancer, and the cancer is behaving more aggressive than in patients 55 or older.
And definitely has to do with lifestyle, and has to do a lot with the environment. So, I think my advice will be for younger people, to take their supplementation, to make sure that their immune system is strong, and working properly, and you know, and just get a good lifestyle, exercising, good diet.
Definitely that seems to be affecting them a lot nowadays, with the number, the frequency that, and the aggressiveness that the cancers that they’re having definitely something is going wrong.
Importance of Diet and Lifestyle
Victor Dwyer: So, there’s obviously.. Oh, sorry I was gonna say there’s obviously a million variations of what a good diet is. Some people say vegan, some people will say, like there’s a million diets and it’s hard to pick which one is not necessarily good. What would you, what is your definition of a good diet, exactly?
Dr. Carlos Bautista, MD: Well, if you’re talking about cancer, specifically, obviously they already developed a problem. As you know, cancer feeds on sugar, right? They, they, cancer don’t like oxygen. They are anaerobic cell, meaning that they, like a normal cell, uses oxygen for energy, a cancer cell uses sugar for energy.
So, you want to use, obviously, your brain needs sugar to function, and other organs need, need glucose, sugar to function, but a low glycemic index diet is the one that we will recommend. By that, I mean those are foods that are not going to peak sugar levels to a certain degree.
Sylvie Beljanski: Yeah.
Dr. Carlos Bautista, MD: There’s a list that you can follow, yeah, there’s a list that you can follow that they’re called Glycemic Index Food List.
And in a normal prevention diet, definitely, you know I know that, like you say, there’s a lot of variation and, you know, types of diet, but I guess the one low in carbohydrates, you know, low in, in, in chemicals or fast foods, those kind of things I will suggest, probably in my experience, a balanced diet is the best one, you know, not deprive the body of any specific nutrient.
And whatever works for each one, but a balanced diet is what I will recommend.
Sylvie Beljanski: Yeah, I’m sure that, for a lot of people, just the idea of a low glycemic index diet is something difficult to, to really realize what it is, and by coming to see you for a few weeks, they are learning, experiencing what it means to have a good, good food and how, how good it can taste even with, besides, without sugar.
And then it’s easier, easier to, to continue when they are back home. And just that is a valuable experience.
Dr. Carlos Bautista, MD: Yeah, we have our own nutrition department here. We have our nutritionist here that they see each patient when they come in. Sorry, I forgot. We have our own dental department as well where they get evaluated as well.
And, yeah, they, normally patients have breakfast and lunch here, or lunch and dinner, the ones in the afternoon. And, yeah, we teach them, we give them recipes and, and we give them classes on how to prepare meals and how to properly take care of their diet when they go back home, because, definitely, that is not easy.
Sylvie Beljanski: Yeah.
Dr. Carlos Bautista, MD: But it’s an important part of the, of the therapy, definitely.
Sylvie Beljanski: Yeah. I’m sure education, education is key and and that’s definitely very helpful when it’s a continuous experience over the course of several weeks.
Dr. Carlos Bautista, MD: Yes. Definitely. It’s important and we give the, we give the importance that, that part of the therapy is, and that’s why we have more department that explains clearly what they have to do when they go back home.
Sylvie Beljanski: So, the person is being diagnosed and they call you right away, or, generally, do they call you later after having risked going through a course of conventional treatment which has failed them? How does it go? What is the general profile of your patients?
Dr. Carlos Bautista, MD: Yeah, well, generally, yes, unfortunately, the majority of the patients that we receive are stage four. And they’ve already been through different treatment lines at home, chemotherapy, radiation, or medications, and so on. But nowadays, probably after, since three or four years ago, more patients are turning their heads to see us sooner.
Definitely, it’s a lot better when we are able to work with them when the situation is not so compromised and we have better results, but, but yeah, unfortunately, the majority of the patients that we have, I will say around 85%. are already in a stage four situation and, and even in those situations, we’re able to, to help them to, to, to either put them on remission or, at least, to stop the growth of the cancer.
Sylvie Beljanski: Well, I hope that we will help this, I mean, what you are doing more known to many more people, and yhat they will reach, think of reaching out to you at an earlier stage, if ever they are diagnosed. And I do believe that by providing hope to people who have even on stage four and being able to, to help them and to take care of them and help them feel better even for, for, I mean, even if it is, you know, for a while being more comfortable, I think that’s extremely valuable.
And, and I am very grateful that you come today to, to speak to us about that because I think this is a very important resource for, for people who are sometimes left, I mean, used by conventional medicine, who is selling them as much chemotherapy as, as the insurance will allow, and then tell home, tell them to go home and that there is nothing else they can, they can do.
And you are there to pick up the pieces and, and you, you make them feel better and sometimes you are able to heal them completely, which is not a little thing.
Dr. Carlos Bautista, MD: Yeah, it’s not an easy thing to do. And yeah, definitely, nowadays, I think, is more more known about all these options that we have.
But definitely more is needed, and, and that’s why we have, well, that’s why we’re doing research. And that’s why, well, yeah, I know that you are as well doing research. And that is needed, you know, to, to get to know all these other options that are out there and that they work, you know. I’m talking about the supplementations that your company produces and these other treatments that we do here.
And in my particular experience, the combination of the two is giving us very good results. And definitely, that’s very encouraging.
Sylvie Beljanski: Well, thank you. Thank you for this great feedback. I’m so pleased to, to hear that and that we can help people.
Dr. Carlos Bautista, MD: It’s definitely very important.
Common Misunderstandings About Cancer
Victor Dwyer: And I also wanted to ask, what is the biggest misunderstanding about cancer that you usually see?
Dr. Carlos Bautista, MD: Yeah, well, probably the biggest misunderstanding that I see in patients is that sometimes it’s not their fault that they have cancer, you know, because patients with cancer think that they did something wrong. You know, that’s what I see often, and I don’t know if that answers the question, but the biggest misunderstanding is sometimes I have patients that have done everything correct, you know, everything right with the diet, with, with there’s with everything and they still have cancer.
So, there’s many more factors to developing a cancer like, I was saying, environmental cancer things that we’re not even aware that we’re in contact with, you know. Sometimes, they don’t realize how serious. Probably one of the other misunderstandings is that they wait sometimes too long, you know, to, to take action or to take supplementation or to do something and, and, and, and they think that they will be okay, but cancers grow rapidly.
So, definitely many patients wait a little bit too long and they don’t prevent, they don’t do prevention. You know, we have probably one of the biggest misunderstandings as well is that we have to do as much as we can to prevent cancer from happening, even though like, I was mentioning, there are other factors, but you need to be aware cancer incident, it’s increasing a lot by a lot. And definitely they need to take care of all their body and their immune system, particularly.
Victor Dwyer: I think you kind of answered this before, but I want to get your thoughts on it. What would be your top three things, lifestyle changes that people should be making? Or, the top three things of the most important factors of, to either reduce cancer or prevent it. Is it sleep? Is it, is it diet?
What would you, what would be your top three?
Dr. Carlos Bautista, MD: Well, definitely, lifestyle is very important. You know, having a good diet, sleeping your hours, you know, moving your body. The second one will be definitely doing supplementation, taking vitamins, doing prevention on strengthening the immune system. More, if you have any type of family history, or any particular problem, definitely, you’ll be, you need to be proactive on, on doing things to prevent a problem like this.
Yes, and, probably, the third one will be to do colonoscopies to check your prostates in men, colon, breast, all those exams to prevent, you know, to detect any problem if it’s happening at an early stage.
Sylvie Beljanski: Absolutely. Absolutely.
Dr. Carlos Bautista, MD: Yes
Final Thoughts and Contact Information
Sylvie Beljanski: Can you tell us again how to reach you, doctor, and how to reach, give us again the name of your clinic and how to reach you?
Dr. Carlos Bautista, MD: Yeah.
Sylvie Beljanski: The website, everything.
Dr. Carlos Bautista, MD: Yeah, the hospital, it’s Immunity Therapy Center, or website is ImmunityTherapyCenter.com, and there you will contact one of our advocates at any time, any day.
Dr. Carlos Bautista, MD: We’re here, and we’re a full certified hospitals, and we do, well, we are, like, we have hospital beds, and, or surgical rooms, and, and, or therapy areas, or radiology, radiology area, CT scan.
We are able to treat all kinds of cancers.
Sylvie Beljanski: Absolutely. And I, I believe you also, you are giving lectures around the world and explaining, lecturing and educating people about what you are doing, right?
Dr. Carlos Bautista, MD: We, we try, we’re very busy here at the hospital, thank God, but, but we, we go out as much as we can. If I’m not able to go, then one of the doctors in our staff goes and, and, and give these talks and, and we try to be any form and, and try to inform people about this option as much as we can, yes.
Sylvie Beljanski: It’s very important. Thank you for doing so.
Dr. Carlos Bautista, MD: Well, you’re welcome.
Victor Dwyer: Yes. Well, thank you so much for joining today.
Dr. Carlos Bautista, MD: Well, thanks for adding me
Victor Dwyer: Yeah, and thank you everyone, audience wise, for listening as well. This is The Beljanski Cancer Talk Show, and we’ll catch you guys next time. Thanks, guys!
Sylvie Beljanski: Thank you.
Dr. Carlos Bautista, MD: Thank you.
Dr. Bautista is a Board Certified Medical Doctor, he received his medical degree from Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Mexico. Dr. Bautista began his medical career in 1994, working in a hospital that offered alternative medicine treatments. A turning point in his life occurred when his father was diagnosed with cancer. As Dr. Bautista watched his father suffer the effects of chemotherapy and radiation, he was driven to further study alternative cancer treatments, both for his father and for other cancer patients.
Dr. Bautista is a dedicated and passionate Doctor whose life’s mission is to help patients. He has been working for more than 25 years with Alternative Medicine to treat cancer, autoimmune diseases, chronic degenerative diseases and infectious diseases. Very early in his career, Dr. Bautista saw the enormous benefits of alternative therapies and natural treatments. Dr. Bautista has helped thousands of patients in their battle with these life threatening diseases.
In his quest to continue to provide his patients with the highest standards of medical care, Dr. Bautista plans to continue to expand the ITC – Immunity Therapy Center in order to reach and help more patients through a more natural, patient focused medical approach. Throughout this mission, Dr. Bautista is often overjoyed as he sees his patient’s hope restored and life reclaimed.
Connect with Dr. Bautista
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