Yvon T. Testimonial: Thyroid Cancer
Dear Madam and/or Sir,
My mother has vesiculo-trabicular thyroid cancer for which she underwent a total thyroidectomy. On a general level, and for several months, I can say that my mother:
- Has only episodic pain in the main tumor
- Does not suffer from any pain due to the pulmonary metastases
- No longer uses a cane for walking (except for long distances) and has regained total autonomy for all acts of daily life
There is no doubt in our mind that Dr. Beljanski’s extracts are directly responsible for:
- The improvement of the general state of health which is translated by a very increased activity
- The blocking of the evolution of the cancer for 21 months, although a complete treatment has been applied for only 4 month
For these reasons, but also for the immense hope that they give us:
- To warmly thank your team
- To assure them of our gratitude and our active support so that this work is widely recognized and respected among the scientific community