N.M. Testimonial:
Breast Cancer
Beljanski Extracts
Having been diagnosed with breast cancer a little more than five years ago, I think I have the necessary hindsight to talk about everything that the discovery of the Beljanski extracts has brought me and continues to bring me.
I knew nothing about it when I had to get a a 20mm invasive lobular carcinoma tumor removed, followed by a second operation to remove the lymph node chain. I was still unaware of the Beljanski extracts when, according to the protocol from my doctor, chemotherapy and radiotherapy were planned, followed by a 5-year antihormonal treatment.
With the support of my gynecologist, acupuncturist and homeopathic doctor who had been following me for many years and thought, like me, that I would not be able to bear it, I refused the chemotherapy. Then I underwent radiotherapy. It was too strong and caused burns, as I did not have or know about the protection that I could have had if I knew of the Beljanski extracts.
I pass over the anguish that seizes and accompanies all cancer patients, and that the attentive care of my doctors managed to make more bearable every day. And I started the antihormonal treatment, prescribed for 5 years.
And then I started to accumulate, little by little, all the listed side effects. I couldn't sleep, I was exhausted, my liver was going out of control, I couldn't digest, etc. It was no longer a life.
I went online to see what other women were saying who were suffering like me. It boiled down to one simple thing, summed up in a phrase I still remember: "In the morning I tell myself I won't take this pill again, and in the evening I'm so afraid I'm going to die that I take it."
It was then that I remembered a book I had found in a documentation center, which with fatigue and under the pressure of everything that contributes to the "protocol", I had forgotten on the shelf: Cancer, l’approche Beljanski.
I opened it, and not being a scientist, it took me three months to think that I really understood the first 30 pages, which now are so clear. Three months, during which thanks to a well thought-out and warm telephone conversation, I was able to ask an infinite number of questions, and to find as many answers as I needed, from the New York team. One day, it was Monique Beljanski who answered my questions. Then she continued, week after week, with extraordinary attention, precision and patience. Without ever insisting anything, just simply helping me understand what was happening to me.
So, after three months of reading, questioning and reflection, I was convinced. And with this support, I started to use the Beljanski extracts.
For almost five years now, I have created relationships with both the team in France and New York, and I often talk with Monique Beljanski. I am under the supervision of my doctors who regularly test me to make sure everything is under control. I regularly follow the treatment recommended by my doctors to prevent cancer recurrence. What I take is very simple and without any toxicity: twice a year I take Pao pereira, Rauwolfia vomitoria, Ginkgo, and RNA fragments and my markers are good.
I follow this advice, and now I take the extracts in the fall to help boost my immunity and protect me from winter ailments. Thanks to Pao pereira, the recurrent herpes that was hurting me has almost disappeared, and I continue to discover new benefits. Above all, unlike many after cancer, I now live fully, without the anxiety of recurrence. And I know that if something unexpected happens, the Beljanski team is there.
I know that I am no longer 20 years old, and aging, of course, age has not spared me. But at 78 years old, I have remained fully active and continue to volunteer for an organization that is close to my heart to support other women, which often leaves me working full days at the computer.
I know that I owe this vitality above all to the Beljanski extracts.
Moreover, when I feel tired, or when I have a big day ahead of me, I take RNA fragments in the morning and it helps me feel calm and I am "on top" until the evening.
Over the course of these past few years, I wanted to share my story. I have offered Mirko and Monique Beljanski's books to a lot of people and I have given many explanations to doctors and then to my relatives, my friends, and beyond. Most of them in turn were convinced, and I continue sharing my story.
Some of them or one of their relatives have used the Beljanski extracts to fight their cancer. The others now know about it as well, just in case. Proof is my vitality in front of them.
I remember the deep joy I felt when I learned the results of the analysis after one of the first times using the Beljanski extracts. I felt joy of course, as I now had a chance of regaining my life. But more than that, it was a joy for this living proof of the Beljanski research. For I am living proof of the vital importance of the terrible years, of the relentlessness, of the rigor put into this research. Of the vital importance of Dr. Beljanski's independence and freedom, defended at the risk of his life.
I was immediately struck and very moved, having lived alongside a researcher, and with a son who was confronted with what research is, by the integrity, the irreducible requirement that can be read between the lines written by Mirko and Monique Beljanski, continued afterwards by their daughter Sylvie, thanks to whom, today, we can have access to this wealth of knowledge.
And if we must absolutely defend the need for complete freedom of fundamental research, and therefore of the researcher, which obviously implies that he be given the means to do so, we must also defend with all our strength, as we can read in the writings of Monique and Mirko Beljanski, what, for each of the patients that we are, must correspond to the freedom of the researcher: the freedom of choice.
To choose, despite all the pressures, to decide in an informed way, to decide for one's own life, to be free of it, is the founding act that allows one to live.
This is what we can distinguish when we listen.
Like many others, I have decided. For my life.
Like many others, I will never be able to say thank you warmly enough.