Joel T.
After 18 months, I am finally telling my story. Since I turned 50 years old, I had blood taken, PSA levels measured, and an echo graph of the prostate during my yearly medical exam. On July 22, 2004, the results of the blood test showed a rise in my PSA level from 4 to 5.57. My doctor prescribed an ultrasound of the prostate. This took place August 2, 2004, the day I turned 68. The radiologist told me that he saw an anomaly in the left lobe and that I should see a urologist. In the month of August, its not very easy to find a urologist. Finally, a meeting was arranged for August 26. After the exam and looking at my analyses, the urologist scheduled a biopsy for September 7, with results coming in September 16: adenocarcinoma with a Gleason score of 4x3.
A hormonal treatment was prescribed for my case. Oral + injection every three months. September 29, a bone scan was taken, and there was no anomaly (what a relief).
I recalled an article in a health magazine speaking about the work of Dr. Beljanski and of the case of Gerard Weidlich, and I researched his contact information. After having gotten in contact with The Beljanski Foundation and Gerard Weidlich, I decided to take Beljanski's ingredients.
Since October 16, 2004, I take Pao pereira + Rauwolfia vomitoria every day. On February 15, 2005, I had blood work done, and my PSA level dropped from 5.57 to 0.10. The radiologist looked at the ultrasound and could not find anything visible.
Today, I am still undergoing treatment and taking Pao pereira daily. The results of my blood work of February 3, 2006 are perfect, and my PSA is steady at 0.10.
Thank you Gerard Weidlich, thank you Dr. Beljanski, and thank you to The Beljanski Foundation.