Uterine cancer, stage 3
I had to undergo surgery because I had very progressive cancer at 62 years old. After 15 days in the clinic, I was able to go home and everything seemed to be going normally for 3 weeks. However, I had to return to the hospital to undergo chemo and radiation sessions, which probably meant there was a risk of complications.
Knowing the incredible story about a miracle patient with throat cancer who was cured through the combined use of a treatment developed by Dr. Beljanski and chemo, we made an appointment with a doctor who was familiar with Beljanski’s work.
My husband told me: “In order to take good care of you, we will not wait to get these formulas.”
We indeed knew that Mr. Albert BONNIN, this great patient of the region whom everyone was talking about, had been impressed by the rise of his platelets (thanks to the RNA fragments of Beljanski) and by the absence of all the known side effects caused by chemotherapy.
He did not hide his satisfaction and showed his results everywhere. For 3 years we had known that he was no longer taking any medicine for his cancer and according to his doctor, his recovery was a miracle.
So we ordered these famous formulas. In the meantime I learned from the oncologist that I was in stage 3 and that it was therefore very serious. I returned to the Pasteur Hospital in NIORT and it was a disaster! They connected me to infusions from Monday morning to Friday evening. I was taking my capsules, but because I kept vomiting from the strong chemotherapy drugs, they were not working.
I was devastated! I couldn’t get up anymore. I was having a gout attack and had diarrhea… It went on all week and I came home like a wreck. For nights I literally crawled to get around. In addition, walking very little, I suffered from a phlebitis and had to return urgently to the clinic. Although well cared for, an embolism formed and I was put in a filter. I was really unlucky!
I did not get out of bed for 3 weeks, and being anemic, I also needed a transfusion. I then returned home where I was ordered 8 days of rest before resuming the second course of chemo and radiation. I was totally demolished!
But this time, as I no longer vomited my capsules, they had an effect on me and allowed me to tolerate the second treatment very well. It was an incredible turnaround much to the amazement of my doctors who can not believe it.
Throughout the treatment at the hospital and clinic, all my doctors knew that I was taking the BELJANSKI extracts which resuscitated me right in front of their eyes.
These wonderful extracts have given us hope and are able to save the lives of millions of human beings. The hard times are far behind me. Now I live in anticipation of happy events, thanks to my healing, I am enjoying my great grandchildren.