Prostate Cancer: 14 years later
I waited 18 months to tell you my story… As every year, as part of a medical follow-up since I was 50 years old, I have a blood test, PSA levels checked and a prostate exam.
On July 22, 2004, the results of the blood test gives us an increase in PSA from 4 to 5.57. My GP prescribed an ultrasound of my prostate.
This is done on August 2, 2004, the day of my 68th birthday. The radiologist tells me that he sees an abnormality in the left lobe and that my case is under the advice of a urologist. In August, it’s not very easy to find a urologist. Finally an appointment was made for August 26th.
After a rectal exam, the doctor wanted to perform a biopsy which was done on September 7th (8 samples) and on September 16, the result showed: adenocarcinoma with Gleason index 4 × 3. The sky suddenly fell on my head.
A hormonal treatment was decided for my case: pills + injection every 3 months. On September 29, a bone scan was performed: no abnormalities (relief).
Remembering an article in a health journal about the work of Professor Beljanski and the case of Gérard Weidlich, I searched the internet for all the contact details. After making contact with The Beljanski Foundation, CIRIS and Gérard Weidlich, I decided to treat myself with the Beljanski method.
Since October 16, 2004, I have been taking Pao pereira + Rauwolfia vomitoria every day. On February 15, 2005, my blood test showed my PSA dropped from 5.57 to 0.10 and on the ultrasound the radiologist could not find anything visible.
I’m so happy. My blood results from 01/26/2010 are perfect. Today I’m fine, my tests are good and I have a check-up every year.
My thanks to the volunteers of CIRIS and The Beljanski Foundation who spend their time for the good of our fellow citizens. A big thank you to the late Gérard Weidlich who worked so hard to have the work of Mirko Beljanski recognized.