Ann. Institut Pasteur, 1956, 90, pp. 127-132.
Available in French only
ABSTRACT: Molecules containing porphyric groupe do not influence the photo-restoration of E. Coli strains studied by the authors. In consequence, in the case of these strains : a) The porphyrins do not appreciably act as chromophores in the photo-restoration process. This fact should be discussed as soon as a sufficiently precise action spectrum of light on E. Coli will be available. b) The catalase and peroxydase enzymes do not appreciably participate in the photo-restoration process, which remains indefinite. We can only state that this process does not apply to lesions due to the activity of photo-formed peroxydes. So it seems that photo-restoration is very different from restoration by catalase, which is an essentially peroxydase process.Read the full publication