133 – The anticancer Agent PB-100, Selectively Active on Malignant Cells, Inhibits Multiplication of 16 Malignant Cell Lines, even Multidrug Resistant
Author: M. BELJANSKI (posthumous)
Genetics and Molecular Biology 2000, vol 23 nº1, pp. 29.
Available in English only
ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH: The plant-derived anticancer agent PB-100 (Beljanski® Pao extract) selectively destroys cancer cells, even when multidrug resistant; yet, it does not inhibit normal (non-malignant) cell multiplication. Testing of PB-100 on sixteen cell lines, several multidrug resistant, as well as on five normal cell lines, confirmed our previous results. Flavopereirine and dihydroflavopereirine, the active principles of PB-100, were chemically synthesized and displayed the same selectivity for tumor cells as the purified plant extract, being active at even lower concentrations. List of cell lines tested : brain (4), ovary (2), breast (2), prostate thyroid (2), colon (2), pancreatic, hepatic, kidney, skin, liver
ABSTRACT IN PORTUGUES : O agente anticancerigeno de origem vegetal PB-100 destroi seletivamente as células cancerosas, mesmo quando elas sao resistentes a multiplas drogas; no entanto, ele nao inibe a multiplicacao de células normais (nao malignas). O teste do PB-100 em 16 linhagens de células malignas, assim como em 5 linhagens de células normais, confirmou nosso resultados prévios. Flavopereirine e dihidroflavopereirine, os principios ativos do PB-100, foram sintetizados quimicamente e mostraram a mesma seletividade para as células tumorais que o extrato purificado da planta, sendo ativos em concentraçoes ainda menores.Read the full publication
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